What if it succeeds?

Each of us may stand at a crossroads in life and are hesitant on the way to go next. Most people automatically start looking for answers in the outside world, asking for an opinion from a partner, friend or close acquaintance. But they forget to ask the most important question of all: “What do I really want?””Looking inside yourself is usually a challenge, so a transcendental zen game that consists of reading tarot cards with colorful illustrations helps. Of course, we must first realize that the card shows our state of mind at the moment when we are present. However, it is better to perceive the interpretation only as an inspiration, because in the next few days a lot can change. You can get Osho Zen Tarot online or at the bookstore, and you can also play it online on the Wings of Angels website. It\’s simple, you can choose 1 of the many variants of the game. 
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Super Quick

This is the easiest option if you select only 1 card. First, ask yourself a question that may sound like this: “What personal topic should I focus on today?””Let\’s say you draw a card here and now, it shows a carefully balanced man who is briskly walking on a river stone. This picture is supposed to invite you to note what is happening now. Perhaps, at the end of the day, you will understand that this time you were more fully alive and did not miss the opportunity that would have passed without full concentration in the present moment without special attention.
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Relationships – Quickie

This interpretation looks at relationships with other people, whether it\’s friends or bosses from work. This time, select 4 cards and lay them out in the form of a square. The card at the top left has the number 1, which indicates that you are contributing to the relationship yourself, and the secondary card indicates that the person is contributing to the relationship. At the bottom left is a card (3) that shows the interaction of energy, and the last card is an insight into the current situation. For example, you will want to learn more about your relationship with your father and draw your cards in the following order: innocence, breakthrough, adventure, success. Your relationship seems to be on a very good path to improvement.

” Dixit”

It\’s a social card game that develops the imagination and allows you to learn a lot about the way your teammates think. Do not despair, even if you do not have it at home! Detailed rules of the original game Dixit can be found on the Internet, and you can also play it on Osho Zen tarot cards, simply omitting the numbering and description of the photos.