I had no idea what kind of big and positive impact the trip would have on me. I always thought that the amount of travel and vacation would never calm me down. I live a really wild life, I haveRead more…
Travel in the midst of a pandemic
Covid-19 is in its second year affecting human activities worldwide. This global crisis has had a significant impact on travel as well as on the possibilities and means of travel. In this era of pandemics (global pandemics), under economic pressure,Read more…
Cestovat mはžeme všichni
Pvvodní verze českého rčení praví,že\’všude dobee,土ma nejlépe\’. Poupravená verze tohoto moudra,zejejm ver verze nかjakého vtipálka,která také není neznámou, aleííká,že\’všude dobee tak An indispensable tool for carpentry.”A pokud se nad těmito dvěma variantami zamyslím,napadá mě,že je nejen pro mě,ale i proRead more…
Going on vacation in the neighborhood
Slovakia The first country I would like to introduce is one that until recently was part of our country. It is a small country, but definitely ideal for a slightly cheaper vacation, whether you want to relax at the Piešt\’anyRead more…
Traveling Under a Tent
Like most Czechs, you are looking forward to summer. But you\’re sick of hanging out on the beach all day and doing nothing. If you are the active type and want to enjoy your vacation in an active way andRead more…