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If you have the opportunity to redesign your office to suit you, do it. After all, few people are lucky enough to create the environment in which they work. You should first come up with an overall concept before you start work.The most important aspect is, of course, the practical one, but don\’t forget about design as well. The first thing to do is to choose the right concept. Some offices have a modernist feel, others are of the rustic type, or even green and eco-friendly. What you prefer is up to you.
The alpha and omega of the office is the desk. The desk should have a sufficient number of drawers and compartments to accommodate a computer. This means it should at least have holes for cables and a special place for a crate so that it does not look cluttered. A lot can be accomplished with chairs that can be height-adjusted. Chairs
Perhaps more importantoffice equipmentthan the desk is the chair. Its quality makes a huge difference to you, especially for your back. Don\’t go for a cheap model; choose an ergonomic chair that won\’t break your spine. This type of chair may cost more, but it\’s worth the investment; remember that you sit at your desk at least eight hours a day, five days a week. That\’s why you need real quality underneath it. A shoddy chair can hurt your back. Muscle imbalances around the spine are most often caused when you lie down or just sit poorly, not when you move. If you have a $10,000 mattress at home for healthy sleep, you should definitely assign the same level of quality to your office chair. You won\’t appreciate it as much when you are young, but as you get older, you will find that this investment will pay off handsomely.