I think if there were no politics, people might not even debate. Do you think that is a great thing? In my opinion, absolutely not. I don\’t think people should be fighting with each other, even if it is political.Read more…
Domestic Politics Threatened by Coronavirus
All media of the nation now threaten humanity and, if a truly effective cure is not found, may rival, if not surpass, the dreaded Spanish flu that killed tens of millions of people just after the end of World WarRead more…
Politics is Here
The question is which news to believe and what to believe. It is common knowledge that there are massive lies in politics and one is here to condemn the other. This is why things come to light that would otherwiseRead more…
What are politicians for?
Classical Politics
I remember once getting burned while discussing politics with a friend. I had no idea it was going to be so ugly. And I must say I was very surprised, but almost unhappy. Because I had no idea that myRead more…
この記事は、2017年12月28日に更新されました。 Od většiny ostatních lidí se totiž odlišují přinejmenším některými specifickými povahovými rysy. Z nichý jsou přinejmenčímněkteréznáméi vám. Jakře takoví politici na rozdíl od obyřejněch lidí vypadají,ším se ličí. Chtějíbětvidět. Chtějí,aby je znalo co nejvíce lidí,aby kašdě poznával,kdoše jsou. NechtějíRead more…
Naše politika
Mnoho lidí se v poslední době zajímá o politiku, hlavn kv kv kvli吐 že někomu pijijde politika opravdu hodn z zajímavá. Abych se piziznala tak samozejejm.,že politika má vážn o ncocoi sebe,protože kdo se zabývá o politiku tak je vlastnRead more…
Amazon on fire
Many politicians have their lives revolving around money. Currently, the ideal image of such a politician is Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro. This politician is known for his pro-economic rather than pro-environment stance. While a good national economy is important, itRead more…
The most important institution in the European Union
Is there anything more interesting than talking about politics? Everyone loves to talk about politics, especially people who also love to discuss it. I know several people who love to talk politics and are quick to start a discussion. OthersRead more…