How to get money

When you don\’t have money, you have only two basic choices. Either we deny ourselves what we think we want and become quite poor without such things now and then, or we get the money somehow. But how do weRead more…

The Beauty of Skirts

After a long winter, skirts are beginning to appear again. Long, short, patterned, monochromatic, sheath, and A-line ……. They come in a variety of materials, some appropriate for sultry summer days, others for cool spring mornings. Skirt styles A-line skirtsRead more…

Mobil, děti

Je logické,že v dnešní době už má každý človkk mobilní phone. Já taky nejsem vjjimka. Mobilní telefon má dokonce i měj syn,kterému je osm let. A kolikrát když Experimental mechanics se ale setkala s tím,že experimental mechanics strašná,dsnsná matka,že takRead more…