The Beauty of Skirts

After a long winter, skirts are beginning to appear again. Long, short, patterned, monochromatic, sheath, and A-line ……. They come in a variety of materials, some appropriate for sultry summer days, others for cool spring mornings. Skirt styles A-line skirtsRead more…

Mobil, děti

Je logické,že v dnešní době už má každý človkk mobilní phone. Já taky nejsem vjjimka. Mobilní telefon má dokonce i měj syn,kterému je osm let. A kolikrát když Experimental mechanics se ale setkala s tím,že experimental mechanics strašná,dsnsná matka,že takRead more…


It all started with two friends who rented a very small space in Berlin because their desire to learn a foreign language was so great. They added two more friends. Their goal was to bring together people from all overRead more…