
Today\’s shopping looks very different than before. Previously, there were no supermarkets like today. Previously, there were 1 or 2 shops in every town and it was really small. Most of the time they were half empty and for veryRead more…

Services for the Elderly

Some people idyllically imagine that as they age, they will just relax, read, travel, and enjoy their holidays. Ideally, everyone would like that to be the case, but the reality is often not so rosy. Aging brings with it manyRead more…

Our Trade Policy

With its accession to the European Union, the Czech Republic gave up the idea of establishing an independent trade policy. It then joined the Customs Union, in which all EU member states have the same import and export rules. ThisRead more…

Annuals, Garden Ornaments

Everyone can have a beautiful blooming garden. But in most cases, it is not perennial. There is nothing more beautiful than a garden that looks different every year. Moreover, annuals can be grown in pots or boxes. Furthermore, just becauseRead more…