Important terms to know related to marketing communications

Marketing communications are very important for businesses to be able to communicate what their customers need. But at the same time very important are the customers. They evaluate companies very frequently and thus communicate very valuable information to other potential customers. Therefore, it is these people that you need to target. Offer your services to the best of your ability so that these people will spread only positive things about you. What is the name of the group of people who serve in this capacity?
§ WoM (Word of Mouth) –Spreading information by word of mouth, which is a very credible business. It takes place among people who know each other. It can take place offline (e.g., at home, work, or school) or online (e.g., via email, social media, etc.)
It can also be done by word of mouth.
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§ opinion leader –the process by which one person informally influences the behavior and attitudes of others. It is an interpersonal, informal, non-commercial process. Primarily concerned with services (hospitality, hotels), but also with products
§ 16] opinion influencers -neutral consumer information or newspaper articles. It is a specific authority, expert, or well-known figure who influences listeners and readers, including opinion leaders.
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Other interesting terms:

tease (= tease, provoke, annoy) – the purpose is to get the customer\’s attention. It is an ongoing (continuous) communication. The purpose is to arouse curiosity and the desire to know what is next.
Misleading advertising –is the dissemination of information about one\’s own or another business, its products or their performance, in order to create a false impression and thereby disadvantage other competitors or consumers. The Civil Code considers such advertising to be unfair competition. It can also be advertising hyperbole (e.g., a large bakery cannot use the slogan “sweets like mom”-it can be relied upon to be rubbery, “our products are the cheapest, best quality, etc.” or “real Italian pizza” as (slogans)
Concealed advertising –is advertising that is difficult to distinguish as advertising because it is not specifically labeled as such. The law prohibits deceptive advertising. It could be, for example, subliminal advertising, editorial advertising, or advertising that resembles journalistic reports. In practice, this area is difficult to control.
Comparative Advertising –Advertising that explicitly or implicitly identifies other competitors and/or goods or services offered by other competitors. It may be an objective comparison (it must not be a direct identification of competitors, products for the same purpose, a comparison of essential features, or a misleading message). In the Czech Republic, it has been allowed since 2000