Some people feel like they\’re starting with a blank slate. The beginning of a new day, a new month, a blank page and an unwritten diary. If you bought a motivational diary for the year, at the beginning of it there is a chapter summarizing the past 1 year. Do not hesitate to use the box on this topic. Write down what you have experienced, what you have visited, and what you have achieved. The next paragraph will probably be about what you want to achieve during the New Year. Do not worry, write down something. Your dreams, your ideas, anything.
Resolutions should take some form. First you need to have some points or bullets. You do not need to write a whole sentence, it is enough to write down the goal only for each point. Ambition to achieve something becomes easier when you have more free choices. It will be easier to stick to individual points.
Let\’s take a simple example. The most common type of resolution is when it comes to our weight. Most of the society is not satisfied with its appearance, and many people have the goal of losing weight. You should definitely not formulate your decision like this: I\’m fat and I need to lose at least 10 pounds. Bad. Read this sentence again. Do you feel the smell of pessimism? And that\’s what it\’s all about.
It is better to approach what you want to achieve in a different way. I want to eat better, I want to feel better, I want to learn to eat more fruits and vegetables, and I want to try some activities every day. Do you hear how different it sounds?
In conclusion, we all need to note that sometimes the goal is the journey itself. A journey that can be a goal in itself can teach us a lot. As a result, our goal could be completely different than it was originally. We find what suits us and what, on the contrary, does not. The solution can be a good motivation, but it is very important to set it up correctly. So collect your thoughts and your wishes and hurray it.