Fashion as Expression

Fashion nowadays occupies a very important place in our lives. This is because most of us have jobs that require us to meet people on a regular basis. In interpersonal relationships, fashion and overall well-groomed appearance are absolutely essential, whether we want them to be or not. Only when you make a good impression on your clients can you give them enough weight to accept your ideas. However, some jobs do not allow you to impress anyone with your attire, as you wear a uniform or business attire while on the job.

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Still, others can get an impression of you even from what they can see anyway. After all, fashion includes your hair, nails, and facial makeup. But whether you are a classic or extravagant fashionista does not matter so much. What is more important is whether your overall appearance is neat and tidy. No matter how loose the rules are, the most sought-after fashion style is the classic style.

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Indeed, it suits almost every body type and is generally the most socially acceptable. This is because it makes one\’s peers feel safe and secure, which is often what those around them are looking for. It is also, admittedly, true that in earlier times both women and men valued themselves more. This was based on the social environment as a whole, and was more pronounced for women. In most cases, women who stayed home with their children had more time to take care of their appearance. It was also more common for them to have their clothes made to their measurements rather than to buy clothes at ready-made stores. Nevertheless, it is wrong to say that people today do not pay attention to their personal appearance. However, it must be said that in this day and age, it is more difficult than in the past to obtain quality clothing and to take the time to groom oneself.