Cool Toddler vs Ragged Toddler

Which mom is right? Those who machine and dress children with the most beautiful and latest models, visit cultural events, cafes and playgrounds, very often see what the child is doing there, or give the child an old, dripping, washed T-shirt after his son from friends and inadvertently release the child into the sand, mud and puddles?In this article, we understand what children are doing. There is no clear answer to this question.
Chlapec, batole příroda.
These two variants can be fine unless they are exiled to the extreme. These kinds of mothers argue with each other and condemn other groups. This seems a bit excessive and is completely unnecessary as a result. If a child is raised with love, kindness, respect and respect, all children will be happy, and neither children in fashionable clothes nor children in old clothes will be happy.
As already mentioned, neither subspecies should be driven to extremes.
There may be moms who have high incomes, like to decorate and triple, and then naturally like to decorate and machine their children. That\’s nothing bad. The child can walk in beautiful and fashionable clothes. What we are going to talk about looks really beautiful in vacation photos. All this is fine, but you need to be careful with certain situations. For example, if you want to dress a 2-year-old child in the latest clothes or splash chocolate ice cream, you need to leave it as it is, so as not to scold the child or make him hysterical. You have to take into account the fact that the child can get dirty, and if he gets his new cool suit, we need to live with it and do not worry about it.
But if you fall into hysterics, scold the child, the only thing you care about will spoil the clothes, and here we agree with the opponent, this is definitely not healthy for the child, and it is not a reasonable action from you.
On the other hand, it could be wrong. For example, if you give a child a washing and dripping T-shirt with sweatpants for a family birthday party, you will immediately claim that it is still a child who will wash off. But this action may seem practical to you, but it is not, it is quite convenient for you.
Chlapec, batole, móda.
From an early age, it\’s hard to teach a 6-year-old girl how to dress up if you don\’t teach her how to dress up from an early age that there are special occasions such as birthdays when you need to dress up and take care of your appearance.
It is natural for them to say that everything is in moderation. We think that this word also applies to this situation, when it is necessary to take a little from both sides, so that the child has something from everyone. Yes, he can wear spotty clothes on the sand, but on the contrary, on Christmas Eve it will be beautiful and appropriate to dress up. And it is with everything, look for compromises and think healthily about everything.

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