Comfortable travel

I had no idea what kind of big and positive impact the trip would have on me. I always thought that the amount of travel and vacation would never calm me down. I live a really wild life, I have two jobs and I have three children. I am an otherwise single mother. And you can imagine how hard it really is sometimes. It\’s really challenging, especially when one of my children has attention deficit disorder. So I told myself that if I could take the kids somewhere on a trip or trip, I would relax and it would be really good for us and I thought it would be best if my family and I agreed to go on vacation or trip. And it\’s not just me with the kids, I can also take my sister or brother or mom with me.

Cestování mě moc baví.

My mother also never traveled, but she herself dreamed about it and said that she wanted to visit some places, especially Spain and Italy. Of course, she is also very fond of our Republic, like me, but something else, because we already have a republic in which we live quite a bit, and that\’s why we decided to visit 1 country every year, and it\’s not like after the monument, but rather some recreation area, a lot of places. And mostly for children, even the oldest child is only 10 years old.

Letadlem jsem cestovala jenom jednou.

And those young children will definitely not want to run somewhere after some monument, etc. So we always decided to get a hotel or cottage near the beach by the sea. At least in this way, we will all be for the good, because we will be somewhere outside the Republic and enjoy the sea that our children really crave. I think it\’s for the best because if anyone has something to do with cool it\’s always going to really be the best trip we can have