Self-help app tips

There are many different kinds of apps available these days: games, various social networks, or technical gadgets related to sound, pictures, finance, maps, business, etc. In this article, however, I will introduce you to a completely different kind of app:Read more…

Mobil, děti

Je logické,že v dnešní době už má každý človkk mobilní phone. Já taky nejsem vjjimka. Mobilní telefon má dokonce i měj syn,kterému je osm let. A kolikrát když Experimental mechanics se ale setkala s tím,že experimental mechanics strašná,dsnsná matka,že takRead more…

Cashless Payment

Virtual currencies Looking back in history, one can start with barter. Naturally, this is a rather impractical solution, since everyone only needed certain things. For this reason, money was invented, and coins are a universal means of purchasing goods .Read more…