There are many different kinds of apps available these days: games, various social networks, or technical gadgets related to sound, pictures, finance, maps, business, etc. In this article, however, I will introduce you to a completely different kind of app:Read more…
The Everything-at-A-Glance Cell Phone
Mobile phones are now used by everyone. We need our cell phones to function normally in our daily lives. For example, to keep in touch with work, family, friends, or simply to get help from our cell phones. Cell phonesRead more…
Mobil, děti
Je logické,že v dnešní době už má každý človkk mobilní phone. Já taky nejsem vjjimka. Mobilní telefon má dokonce i měj syn,kterému je osm let. A kolikrát když Experimental mechanics se ale setkala s tím,že experimental mechanics strašná,dsnsná matka,že takRead more…
Mobile phones are indispensable for human beings nowadays
Fifty years ago, not so long ago, cell phones were something completely new. Only a few percent of the population owned a cell phone, and it was also the first model used only to make phone calls and text. CellRead more…
Mobile Phones and Children
Speaking of which, last year my little guy kept begging me to buy him a cell phone. At the time, my son was 4 years old, so I was hesitant to let him have a cell phone yet. Isn\’t itRead more…
Cashless Payment
Virtual currencies Looking back in history, one can start with barter. Naturally, this is a rather impractical solution, since everyone only needed certain things. For this reason, money was invented, and coins are a universal means of purchasing goods .Read more…
Modern Technology
Have you ever thought about how modern technology has actually evolved? In the beginning, cell phones were a rarity for people and were only push-button devices; now everyone has a cell phone. In that respect, the speed at which technologyRead more…
What are the disadvantages of cell phones
Mobile phones are one of the most used devices today. Virtually everyone, from children to the elderly, owns one, and for good reason. In addition to being able to make a call whenever needed, modern ones have many other usefulRead more…
Cell Phone Addiction
We wake up in the morning with our cell phones. Cell phones have become an integral part of us and stay with us throughout the long day. Every night we go to bed so that we can use our cellRead more…
Allow children to use cell phones?
Mobile phones are daily necessities. We can say that they are ours, just like our clothes and wallets. But what about our children? Are cell phones an option or not? Everyone has a cell phone. Even small children have cellRead more…