Breakthrough Tanning: Tanning Beds Won’t Hurt You

Until recently, experts warned against visiting the solarium. They have always warned about the dangers this radiation poses to your body. What a past. What were they referring to? First of all, about the possibility of skin cancer, dry skin and noticeable wrinkles. However, according to the latest research, the solarium does not seem so dangerous, so you can enjoy it with peace of mind.
světlo v solárku

How much is just right?

As in all other areas, you can find specialists divided into 2 camps. Some consider this to be a path to illness or death, while others do not. But today we will look at the 2nd type. Today you will find many experts who think that staying in a solariumtwo or three times a weekwill hurt you for a reasonable period of time

And it not only does not hurt you, but it can also help you. It Prepares your skinBecause of the natural sunlight during the summer, you don\’t have to deal with reddened or quickly burned skin. This is especially useful before staying abroad, when you do not prepare in advance and the sea sun can harm you.

But note that there is nothing to exaggerate. This applies to both artificial and natural tanning. You need to pay attention to the condition and type of your skin, as well as the type and quantity of your nevus. If you have problems with the skin, it is recommended to consult a local doctor or dermatologist in advance.
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Protect yourself with oil

Ideally, choosecold pressed oilsthat have excellent protective factors. You have to protect your skin every time you leave the house, and in the summer months this is doubly true. Which type can you choose from? You can choose from:

  • Raspberry or carrot seeds,
  • Cereal sprouts,
  • Coconut, Argan,
  • Olive, almond or avocado oil.

You must always look and turn yourself in accordance with the SPF value, which indicates the value of their protection factor. It depends, of course, on the strength of the sun, your skin type, and many other factors. However, it may not mean that it is good for you, so you should not ignore the use of oil. What many ignore is the use of these products.