Watch Out for Technology

If you look around us, you can see, among other things, some technical achievements. Technology is everywhere around us just because humans want or need to use it. And when we needed it, we just took it somewhere.

Of course, there are many technical advantages. And there are so many of them, and from so many different areas, we can often not only guess what is good for what, but also make it well, sometimes someone\’s needs are very specific, so laymen do not understand what the technique is suitable for, even with the best use of their imagination.

letecký motor

It may not be a problem at all. Because if we don\’t know something, obviously we don\’t need it, and if we don\’t need it, we don\’t even need to know it logically. The main thing is to understand and use the technology we need. And that\’s because if we didn\’t use the way we\’re supposed to use it, it might not work. And this, of course, no one wants. No one wants to destroy such an invention by improper use, and no one logically wants to hurt himself.

And we should at least be familiar with the technology we have and need to use. We need to know it well, we should be able to control and maintain it properly. Because only this guarantees that this technique will be useful to us.

vesmírný výzkum

And to cope with this, there are all sorts of instruction manuals that accompany such technologies. We definitely need to get acquainted with them thoroughly enough to avoid unnecessary mistakes. Because anything that performs an activity can theoretically do harm in doing so. Electricity can not only drive, but also make holes and kill, and cutting tools can cut not only what we want, but also fingers, whole limbs, etc. 、se otáčí,m otže poáádn z zatočit i s námi, co má jezdit po nějaké komunikaci,m otže pejejet i nás…

A tak na techniku pozor. Dbejme,aby tu byla pro nás a ne proti nám.
