Isn’t it time to change your favorite garden?

You are happy with your home, you have a house, you have a garden, and you enjoy your free time around your home. If you have planted fruit trees or had a gardener plant them, they are starting to bear fruit, harvesting crops, and enjoying the greenery around you.

odpočinkový kout na zahradě, okrasná zahrada

The garden belongs to the house. It is also the children\’s paradise. We can let them run out into the garden and not worry about them running out into the street and getting into accidents. However, the children have grown up a bit, there is a swing set in the yard that no one uses anymore, and the playground has been abandoned for several years. The swing set and sandbox may be used by occasional visitors with small children, but are they appropriate for a relaxing garden?

When the children were younger, they could frolic and have fun on the toys, trampoline, and equipment set up in the yard. But the children have grown up. And it was time to give the garden another makeover. Remove and move what no one uses anymore, and use the empty space for other relaxing activities. Donate trampolines and moveable toys to friends with young children, or book an appointment with a charity group of mothers with young children to bring them along. They will be delighted!
zahradní nábytek, terasa u domu

Tour the garden to get an overall idea of what the space can be used for and how. If you are not sure, call a garden architect for advice. A professional who can empathize with your ideas and needs will be able to advise you on how to envision your garden now and in a few years or ten years from now. A professional who is familiar with different types of trees, plants, and ornamental shrubs will be able to tell you how tall and wide they will grow, suggest changes to the existing patio, placement of garden furniture, installation of walkways, and accessories that will fit your yard.